Nancy (she/her) is a technology executive, an international speaker, and an entrepreneur. As CEO of Douyon Signature, a global user experience consultancy, she guides business executives to implement inclusive strategic solutions.
Coined a Global Design Ethicist & Product Philosopher, Nancy empowers leading Fortune 500 companies to embrace responsible innovation and create accessible, equitable, and inclusive products and services. Non-confidential clients include Netflix, LVMH, Cisco, Uber, Stripe, Spotify, Colgate and Mars among others.
Before embarking on her entrepreneurial journey Nancy spent two decades in the tech industry helping leading companies like Google, IBM, Intel and Uber incorporate human experience in their product design. She led the UX initiative for Google FI Mobile, where she received the Global Business Platinum Award in recognition of her strategic and long-term impact to Google’s culture at the global level. At Facebook, Nancy has an advisory role for responsible innovation.
She has spoken at the White House and at the top universities, institutions, and corporations around the world on issues like global usability and the importance of designing accountability into product and workplace goals. Nancy also leads the Bay Area Blacks in Tech group (BayBIT), a growing organization of over 3000 Black technology professionals.
A Haitian-American immigrant, Nancy currently resides in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Designing for inclusion: An interview with Nancy Douyon (Shaping Design by Editor X)
"Social Impact through Design, Process, and Culture" with Nancy Douyon (Underbelly)
Nancy Douyon: Listening is the best hiring skill (Design Better by InVision)
Inclusive Design: Dreams and Disasters by Nancy Douyon (Mind the Product)