Are study incentives taxable income?

For U.S. participants, the IRS requires study payments totaling $600 or more to be reported on tax returns.

If you are a U.S. resident and your study payments total $600 or more in a given year, then yes, the IRS requires you to report those earnings on your tax returns. 

If your cumulative annual payments *issued by User Interviews* equals or exceeds $600 across studies, you will be sent a 1099 form by January 31st at the latest. One copy will be sent to participants and another to the IRS. Please note that incentives issued by the researcher are not included in this total.

Once your study payments total $600 or more, you will be prompted to complete a W-9 in Tremendous. You must complete the W-9 before you will be able to redeem any further incentives. Please note that incentive payments are considered income when the reward was issued, not redeemed.

We are using Tax1099 to securely file 1099s. For more information about Tax1099’s security policies, visit their security page here

For further information regarding taxes, we recommend speaking with a financial advisor. 

✍️ Note for participants outside the United States: If you’re located outside the United States, or if you redeem incentives in currencies other than USD, we will not send a 1099. Instead, we will request W-8BEN to verify that you’re ineligible to receive a 1099. Please check your local tax rules for more guidance. 

Still have questions? 

Please email for more information. 

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