We’re thrilled to see a recent uptick in researchers (and people who do research) relying on User Interviews to source participants for unmoderated research. From surveys and card sorts to usability tests and think aloud tasks, the research possibilities are endless.
In this post, we’re surfacing our users’ favorite features and workflows for managing their unmoderated studies.
💡 PS. they’re available to all User Interviews users on free or paid plans!
1️: Flexible audience targeting, screening & verification
Run research with any audience. Recruit from our panel of over 2.4 million participants, target segments of your own users, or else source from both audiences, all within the same tool.
Unlike other panel providers, the User Interviews panel is built for in-depth qualitative research. You can test complex flows, longer qualitative surveys, and recorded “think aloud” tasks, knowing that you’ll receive high-quality contextual responses and shareable clips.
Find any consumer or professional niche you’re seeking with our advanced targeting. You can be confident that the responses you’re collecting are sound, because they come from real people who you can screen and verify via rich profile data, social media links, and our double-screening feature.
2: “Smart flow,” a simple & adaptable participant experience
Our revamped unmoderated workflow is simple for participants and hands-off for researchers. Called “smart flow,” it adapts the participant journey to match the unique design of your study. It’s simple when it needs to be (just two steps from invite to task) and can flex up for more complex studies with screeners, manual approval, document signing, and more.
Participant tracking and communication are fully automated throughout your study. Your participants get the context they need every step of the way, so they can progress seamlessly from step-to-step without any intervention from you.
3: Integrations with your favorite survey & testing tools
Turn on integrations to connect User Interviews to your team’s favorite research and testing tools. We offer integrations with popular survey tools like SurveyMonkey, Qualtrics, and Typeform, as well as specialized usability testing tools like Sprig, Lookback, and Loop11.
Integrations handle “redirect” links and participant tracking across tools. They’re ready to use out of the box—most can be connected with just one click!
4: Funnel views & bulk actions for easy progress tracking
We’ve reorganized your participant tracking dashboard into a funnel view so you can see participants by their status in your study (approved, started, submitted, completed, removed) and move whole cohorts of participants to the next stage with one click.
You can now message participants, mark tasks complete, and pay out incentives one-by-one or in bulk. Coming soon, a visual project summary so you can see at a glance where your study stands. Taken together, these three updates make progress tracking simple—even for unmoderated studies with hundreds of respondents.
5: Re-recruiting for follow-up studies & mixed methods support
It’s easy to run follow up studies with a re-recruiting feature and mixed methods support. Maybe you want to re-invite participants to a second round of testing, or dig deeper by running follow-up interviews with select survey respondents. We keep a global record of participation across all studies and methods.
Both Hub and Recruit allow you to filter by project history to find and re-invite participants from previous studies. You can further narrow down to participants who have been starred by you or your team.
👉 Explore these features on our Usability Tests & Surveys page →