Get help with common Researcher login issues

Having trouble logging into your Researcher account? Here’s how to troubleshoot and resolve the most common login issues.
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⭐ Relevant to all User Interviews plans

Having trouble logging into your Researcher account? Here are steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the most common issues. 

🛑 Are you a Participant, not a Researcher? Troubleshoot your login issues here instead.

Reset your password

In most cases, login issues are due to forgotten passwords (because it happens to all of us!). If your password is being rejected, you’ll get an error message that says “invalid email/password combination.”

Click "Forgot Password?" on the sign in page (make sure you’re clicking this from the Researcher sign-in page, not the Participant sign-in page) to request a reset email. 

You'll be sent an email that contains a link—click it. When prompted to choose a new password, enter it twice and click "Update Password.” Create a new password that you will remember. Do not enter the temporary password reset key on this page.

‍If you did not receive the password reset email, check your spam folder. 

Make sure your account is active

If you’re receiving a “record not found” error, your account may have been deactivated or it may not have existed in the first place.

If you haven’t created an account yet, you’ll need to do that first—learn how in our support page for creating a researcher account. If you’re sure you’ve created an account and you’re still getting this error, contact our support team. 

Make sure you’re logging in the correct way (SSO vs. password)

If you’re receiving a “your team has SAML SSO enabled” error, that means you are trying to log in with an email and password, but instead need to click the “login with SSO” button (no password needed). 

If you’re getting a “app not configured for user” error, that means you’re trying to log in with SSO when you should be logging in with your email and password instead.

Make sure you’re logging in using the Researcher sign in page

When you click “sign in” on the User Interviews website, you’ll be prompted to choose whether you’d like to sign in as a researcher or as a participant. Double-check that you’re signing in on the Researcher page, not the Participant page.  

Questions or still having trouble? Reach out to us here and a member of our team can assist!

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