We do our best to match you with studies that we think will be a fit for you based on your profile. However, you may come across studies that don't interest you. Our team is working on bettering our study matching, and we're excited to continue to improve this experience.
How do I find relevant studies?
Study notification emails
Study notification emails include an "I'm not interested in this study" button. If you click that button, we won't email you about that study again. If you accidentally select "I'm not interested in this study", or reconsider and DO want to apply to that study, simply navigate back to the notification email and select "Interested? Start screener here!".

On the studies page
Studies, when signed in, are matched to your demographics and location, but are not narrowed by job title, industry, interest or hobbies, etc. Studies are defaulted to show newest first.
After narrowing by study type and format, if you still see studies that aren't of interest, click the hide studies icon. Hidden studies are stored in your browser, so please be aware if you clear your cookies or switch browsers, your hidden studies may pop back up.
New studies page design (below) coming soon!

We hope in the future to add additional filters, sorting options, and more so this page is even easier to use!
Important—keep your profile current!
If you've:
- Moved
- Changed jobs
- Had a change to your employment status
- Changed your relationship status
- Had a child
- Switched smartphone types (eg Android to iPhone)
- Recently graduated
- Started to use a different browser
Or had any other life update that may impact a profile field, make sure to update your profile with the correct information. This helps us sends you applicable studies! To update you profile, go to the top right corner, select the drop down, and click "Edit Profile".