UX Research Launch Kits | Templates for User Research

The UX Research Methods Launch Pad

This is where great research projects get started. We've created launch kits that will help you go from 0 to warp speed, even if you're brand new to research. Just choose one of our method specific launch kits below and get researching!
Not sure what type of study to run?
Use Our UXR Methods Tool

User Interview Launch Kit

User interviews are great for getting to know your customers, generating ideas, and testing new ones.

Qualitative Usability Test Launch Kit

Qualitative usability testing can help you get feedback on a specific aspect of your product or prototype.

Product/Market Fit Interview Launch Kit

Product/market fit interviews help teams learn whether or not their product or prototype fills an actual user need.

Diary Study Launch Kit

Diary studies can help you learn about how your users feel about something over time, how they complete tasks, and can be a good remote alternative to field studies or ethnography.

Continuous User Interview Launch Kit

Continuous user interviews help you get (and keep!) a finger on the pulse of your customers.