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Get Your Copy of the Minimum Viable Research Guide

What are the basic elements of good research?

Download the Minimum Viable Research (MVR) Guide for the tactics, templates, and resources that will help you go from recruiting participants to sharing results with your stakeholders, faster.

What's Inside

The Minimum Viable Research (MVR) Guide outlines the 4 steps to getting your research project off the ground, including:

  • How to quickly recruit participants ✔️
  • Doing your part via moderator prep ✔️
  • Tips on running an effective session ✔️
  • The best ways to synthesize + share results ✔️

Along the way, we'll provide tips, templates, and further resources to support your research.

Inside MVR: When to recruit customers vs external participants

You should recruit your own customers when:

  • You’re making improvements or updates to an existing experience
  • You need to speak with people who already have experience with your product
  • You need to usability test with power users vs. new users

You should recruit external participants when:

  • You’re developing a new product or brand
  • You want to test with new customer groups
  • You want to understand competitors’ customers
  • You need to test usability among novices

💡 For more tips and tactics like these, download the full guide.

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