Looking to cut costs for your research recruiting? Our cost savings calculator can help you evaluate what you're currently spending and how User Interviews can help you save. Check it out 👇
Welcome to the User Interviews Cost Savings Calculator!
How does your team recruit participants for research right now?
Who is most responsible for research participant recruiting?
Who can we help you recruit for research?
On average, how many participants do you recruit each month for research?
10 participants per month
Flip this switch if you need participants with a certain job title or professional experience level
Your monthly cost for research recruiting
What you'd pay with User Interviews
Cost Savings, annually
Time Savings, annually
Save these numbers for the future, send them to your team, or show your boss that recruiting with a tool is cheaper than they think. Just drop your email below 👇
What do you pay your research recruitment agency per participant?
If you don't know, just leave this blank. We'll use an industry average to do your calculation.
Who can we help you recruit for research?
On average, how many participants do you recruit each month for research?
10 participants per month
Flip this switch if you need participants with a certain job title or professional experience level
Your monthly cost for research recruiting
What you'd pay with User Interviews
Cost Savings, annually
Want to see how we did our math? Scroll down ⬇️
Because research recruitment is our bread and butter, here's a few ways we can save your team’s time and resources...
⏰ We can qualify your first participant in minutes, our average is 2 hours.
🙋♀️ We have a huge database of over 350,000 participants. If someone asks us for a type of participant we don’t have yet, we go out and find new people to bring into our pool, making it bigger and better all the time.
💰 We distribute incentives automatically once a participant completes your research session. We even issue 1099s if participants need them.
Here's how we did our math:
The total number of participants you’ll need to recruit each month:
the number of participants you said you recruited monthly
the number of extra participants you’ll need to recruit to account for no-shows, according to an NNg study that found the average no show rate was 11%
Your total monthly cost of recruiting on your own:
the average hourly rate of a User Researcher, according to Glassdoor.
the average hourly rate of a Product Manager, according to Glassdoor.
the average hourly rate of a UX Designer, according to Glassdoor.
the average hourly rate of a User Research Associate, according to Glassdoor.
how long you'll need to spend recruiting participants, based on a study by NNg.
Your estimated annual cost savings:
your total cost of recruiting right now.
the annual cost of recruiting participants through User Interviews Pay as You Go
the annual cost of recruiting participants on a Recruit Essential plan with User Interviews
the annual cost of recruiting participants on a Research Hub Essential plan with User Interviews
the annual cost of your Recruit + Research Hub Essential plans with User Interviews
the annual cost of recruiting 5 participants a month through User Interviews Pay as You Go + using our Free Forever plan to manage your own user panel.
the annual cost of recruiting 6 participants a month through User Interviews Pay as You Go + using our Free Forever plan to manage your own user panel.
Your estimated annual time savings:
how much time we estimate your team is spending on research recruiting right now
how much time we estimate your team will spend launching and managing projects on User Interviews, based on data from our website sessions and insight from our Project Coordinators.
Switching from a recruiting agency may be scary, but we’re up to the task. Here’s what’s so great about User Interviews…
⏰ We can qualify your first participant in minutes, our average is 2 hours.
🙋♀️ We have a huge database of over 350,000 participants. If someone asks us for a type of participant we don’t have yet, we go out and find new people to bring into our pool, making it bigger and better all the time.
💰 We distribute incentives automatically once a participant completes your research session. We even issue 1099s if participants need them.
⏲️ Our median time to fully recruit your study is 4 hours for general consumers and 25 hours for specialized professionals. That’s pretty darn quick. The average time it takes an agency to fully recruit your study? 2 weeks.
Here's how we did our math:
Your total monthly cost of recruiting with your agency:
the average agency cost per average consumer participant, based on data from MeasuringU
the average agency cost per participant with specific professional experience, based on data from MeasuringU
your agency's per participant rate
how many participants you recruit per month
Your total monthly cost of recruiting with User Interviews:
the cost of your Recruit Essential Plan, which helps you recruit outside participants, when billed annually.
the cost of your Research Hub Essential plan, which helps you manage your own audience, when billed annually.
Your total annual cost savings:
your agency's annual cost
the annual cost of recruiting participants through User Interviews Pay as You Go
the annual cost of recruiting participants on a Recruit Essential plan with User Interviews
the annual cost of recruiting participants on a Research Hub Essential plan with User Interviews
the annual cost of your Recruit + Research Hub Essential plans with User Interviews
Carrie Boyd is a UXR content wiz, formerly at User Interviews. She loves writing, traveling, and learning new things. You can typically find her hunched over her computer with a cup of coffee the size of her face.