Seeking opinion on Plant based cheese!

Study type
Unmoderated Task
Study format
$50 Many Gift cards available!
Session length
30 minutes

We are contacting you today from to see if you qualify to participate in a paid online research study taking place next week. The research will have two phases:

**Phase 1 (Self-captures):** You will be asked to answer questions with a video response that will take about 30 minutes. If chosen, you will need to prepare a dish we specify using a product our team will ship to you. For this, you will be compensated $50 through your choice of the many gift cards offered. Note that you will only be paid if you can provide a detailed and meaningful response. The quality of your output will be the basis for selection for Phase 2.

**Phase 2 (Live Session):** You will be asked to join a 60-minute online one-on-one interview or focus group discussion. During this discussion, you will be able to share your in-depth opinions on a variety of important consumer issues to help us create a better product. You will receive an additional $60 compensation if you successfully participate in the session.

Please note that participation in both phases is required. Would you like to continue?

Device requirements

Device type: Computer with webcam.
You cannot use a tablet or a smartphone.
Additional screening

The researcher may follow up via message, email, or phone to confirm if you're a fit for the study. Be sure to answer!